Nanas lésbicas
Nanas lésbicas no son relatos de amor romántico, puede decirse con alegría que son frívolos, concretos y estimulantes. Son sin embargo historias tiernas, no exhibe la crudeza del sexo-combate, el factor agresión que presenta habitualmente la pornografía, de mirada machista, no hay insultos, desprecios, provocaciones soeces, mal rollo, describe encuentros jugosos, diferentes ángulos desde los que obtener esa comunicación placentera, excitante, emocionante, fugaz, pero con calidad de vida. Presenta un modelo quizás fantástico, o alguien dirá que fantasioso, pero al fin y al cabo una de las funciones de la literatura es la de proyectar la fantasía, la de mostrar, imaginar, incitar a construir la vida.
DetallesMi historia la cuento yo
La publicación de este libro da cumplimiento al acuerdo alcanzado entre el Estado Colombiano y las organizaciones representantes de Marta Lucía Álvarez Giraldo sobre una de las medidas de reparación integral incorporadas en el informe sobre conclusiones y recomendaciones del Caso 11.656 (Marta Lucia Álvarez Giraldo v. Colombia) adelantado por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos - CIDH, Con fecha 31 de marzo de 2014, la CIDH adoptó un informe de conformidad con el artículo 50 de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos, concluyendo: "En virtud de las consideraciones de hecho y derecho expuestas en el presente informe, la Comisión Interamericana concluye que el Estado de Colombia violó, en perjuicio de Marta Lucía Álvarez Giraldo, los derechos consagrados en los artículos 5.1, 112, 8.1, 24 y 25.1 de la Convención Americana en relación con las obligaciones estatales consagradas en los artículos 1.1 y 2 del mismo instrumento".
Este libro recoge el diario que Marta realizó durante sus años en prisión. Después de 23 años, el Estado Colombiano decide reparar el daño causado a Marta y contribuirá que hechos como los de este caso no se repitan.
DetallesSentimientos sin sombra
La autora se propuso romper las barreras y prejuicios de la sociedad valorando los sentimientos y las emociones femeninas desde la perspectiva no convencional.
Sentimientos sin sombra, nos presenta historias con abundantes emociones que encierran derroches de pasión, amor, amistad, fraternidad, pero sobre todo respeto.
DetallesDiversidad a todo color.
Este material consiste de:
un video de la serie de televisión Sexto Sentido, producida por Puntos de Encuentro y una guía metodológica para realizar sesiones de sensibilización, reflexión y análisis sobre diversidad sexual, homo-lesbo-transfobia y otros temas relacionados.
Diversidad a todo color, edición especial de 32 minutos de la serie de televisión Sexto Sentido, se enfoca principalmente en la discriminación que viven jóvenes gays y lesbianas en los espacios de la vida cotidiana y cómo ésta afecta su desarrollo personal y sus relaciones familiares y sociales. Aborda también la identidad trans (travesti, transgénero y transexual) mediante testimonios personales. DetallesLesbian feminism in turn of the century Germany
These translations of turn-of-the-century Lesbian documents make available to many of us for first time the voices of German Lesbians who lived during the period when love between wimmin was first named and, once labeled, described as "sickness. As such, these early voices provide us with a much-needed historical context for our lives and those of our forerunners. Once you read this book, it will change the way you read every other book on Lesbian lives, whether it's history, psychoiogy, or our literature. This collection is a resource to which will return again and again!
DetallesThe small room
A novel about women in academic life, set on the campus of a New England college
DetallesLesbian couples
This is the first guide for lesbians that describes the pleasures and challenges of being part of a couple relationship. Beginning with issues of definition, the book charts the stages most couples go through: romance, conflict, commitment, collaboration. Some of the topics covered are common to all couples, such as working out issues of living arrangements, work, money and time; others are specific to lesbian couples: coming out to family and friends, monogamy and nonmonogamy, separateness and togetherness. Written Aq two experienced lesbian therapists, the book pays special attention to differences of race, class, age and physical ability, and addresses the problems caused when one or both partners are recovering from alcohol, substance and sexual abuse. Using a problem-solving techniques, "Lesbian Couples" is a thoroughly readable and extremely useful book, particularly its sections on understanding each other and resolving conflict. It's a book that every lesbian, whether coupled or not, will want to own.
DetallesAna López Suárez Burgos coma es L.S.B, Ana
Escribir y dibujar las historietas de Ana ha sido uno de los caminos más importantes que he recorrido para poder ser la mujer que ahora soy. Contar mis vivencias (principalmente) y las otras mujeres lesbianas y personas con diversidad sexual y de género, enfrentarme a mis miedos, inseguridades y dificultades presentes y pasadas a través de la visión de Ana y su incombustible optimismo y humor, me ha hecho más fuerte, más consiente y orgullosa de lo que soy.
Rajadura. Antología de poesía lésbica y bisexual del territorio llamado Bolivia, es una compilación de los textos de 22 autoras.
¿Por qué es el frigorífico el mejor sitio para guardar los manuscritos? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre conejo y conejos? ¿Cómo se puede abandonar a un marido que se parece a William Holden, para irse a vivir con seis hijos, una amante llamada Alice y un bailarín de claqué que, además de ser negro y gay, mide un metro noventa descalzo? ¿Qué hacer con trecientos conejos que se multiplican tan vertiginosamente como las facetas de una vida siempre a punto de hacer temblar el suelo bajo los pies? La alternativa a la familia tradicional encuentra nuevas y sorprendentes formas en esta novela rápida, surrealista y muy, muy divertida.
DetallesLa amante celeste
Si en milenios la mujer no ha aprendido a pensarse genéricamente, la lesbiana no se ha reconocido ni como género ni como historia. Este pensarse con los parámetros del patriarcado, es decir, ahistoricamente, ha hecho que el lesbianismo (la lesbiana) circulara por la historia ajena a ella, marginada por la sociedad y automarginada por su "no pensarse".
Pocos ensayos abordan el lesbianismo como entidad e identidad separada y absolutamente diferenciada de la homosexualidad masculina. En "La Amante Celeste" Rosanna Fiocchetto propone un análisis del lesbianismo desde lo histórico, desde la lesbiana ausente en un sistema social que pretende ahora redimirla. Queda claro a lo largo de "La Amante Celeste" que ninguna identidad sexual necesita ser "redimida" por el sistema ni por la historia. La única redención está en aprender a pensarse históricamente para proyectarse hacia un futuro de respeto y dignidad para todas las mujeres.
DetallesSecreto a voces
Todos los días, en todos los países del mundo, las mujeres se enfrentan a la violencia, el acoso y la discriminación por rechazar los roles de género socialmente impuestos y por mantener relaciones íntimas con otras mujeres.
Este informe, preparado para la Cuarta Conferencia de la Mujer de las Naciones Unidas, documenta las violaciones a los derechos humanos que sufren las lesbianas en 30 países alrededor del mundo y hace referencia a las estrategias que las activistas lésbicas y otros defensores de los derechos humanos han empleado para desafiar este tipo de opresión. DetallesDos mujeres
Una historia fuera de lo común, un amor que enfrenta un antagonismo con la sociedad y se expresa de una y mil formas.
Una novela erótica que profundiza en la relación de dos mujeres que se aman sobre todas las cosas. Valeria, de familia acomodada, divorciada y con dos hijos. Genovesa, divorciada también y sin familia, DOS MUJERES, la historia de dos seres que luchan por realizar su pasión.
Narración que en forma natural e instintiva nos habla de la relación mujer-mujer como una forma de expresión que se da sin mayor preámbulo que el de dos almas que se aman, se desean y se complementan.DOS MUJERES, un libro que rompe con las normas establecidas, que plantea un amor poco común, una relación de pasión sin límites, en la que dos mujeres dan todo sin medida y lo reciben de igual manera. DOS MUJERES...
DetallesDistinguida señora
Distinguida señora se desarrolla en el contexto caribeño signado por la voluptuosidad y la represión. Lo real y lo soñado, lo vivido con lo querido se fusionan en esta novela de presente tan desgarrante como el pretérito que determina.
Compilación de cuentos y poemas de la escritora Sabina Berman en el que aborda temáticas lésbicas.
DetallesLesbian adventure stories
An adventure is a heroic act, an achievement in the face of danger, an unusual and exciting expertence. In this sense all lesbians taking risks simply by the bold choice they lead make to be truly who they are in the face of society's disapproval. Lesbians are adventuresses, trailblazers who dare to venture into the unknown. When we set out collect these stories we threw the traditional, limiting concept of adventure to the four winds, and invited sudmissions that reflect the diversity of our daily lives our desires and our fantasies.
DetallesSencillamente diferentes...
Mary Bolt, en un esfuerzo pionero, nos presenta un estudio cuyo tema central es la autoestima de las mujeres lesbianas. Se nos entrega una reflexión, salida del esfuerzo académico y de la acción cotidiana, de los textos, pero sobre todo de la vida. Muchas veces la autora calla para dejarnos esas vivencias, guarda silencio, para dar paso a la voz de un grupo de mujeres que hablan de su sexualidad.
Mujeres que traen hasta nosotros, sin tapujos, sin disfraces, sus emociones, alegrías y conflictos. Los hijos, los padres, el amor y el desamor, la soledad y la discriminación, la autoaceptación y el rechazo interiorizado, la espontaneidad y la represión: un mosaico de experiencias vitales, reales y no inventadas.
DetallesLesbian sex
This is a book about lesbian sex, written by a lesbian counselor, for garden variety lesbians. It was written with a specific intent mind: to help you achieve the kind of sex lives you want. This book is for each of us. A call to making our sex lives ours again. For so many years we have given our sex lives away to the closest person, family member or government. We don't have to do that anymore. Here it is in black and white: you can have what you want out of sex.
DetallesAmor de mujeres
Tema tabú en muchas culturas, la homosexualidad ha sido tradicionalmente reprimida en América Latina. Escribir un libro como testimonio de lo que significa ser lesbiana hoy en la Argentina es una manera de romper el silencio cultural y social que ha intentado negar una realidad irreprimible y contundente.
Sin eludir ninguno de los temas y de una forma directa, Ilse Fuskova y Claudina Marek cuentan cómo descubrieron su propio lesbianismo, el valiente y doloroso camino que tuvieron que transitar, el momento en que decidieron dar la cara y luchar contra la marginación y el juicio implacable e intolerante de gran parte de la sociedad. La alegría con que viven hoy.
DetallesThe lesbian in literature
Naiad Press, Barbara travels and speaks about lesbian and gay movement history, feminist publishing, and lesbian literature. She claims to look forward to a time when she will have more playtime and less labor, but no one who knows her believes it. Her interests, long overshadowed Aq her book collecting and writing, include gardening, entertaining, and shell collecting.
DetallesAgainst sadomasochism
Not all sadomasochists identify themselves publicly, however. Thus, it is difficult to differentiate sadomasochists from others in the Castro or to hazard a guess at the prevalence of sadomasochism in San Francisco. Certainly not all gay men and even fewer lesbians practice sadomasochism, although the straight media have presented a contrary, sensationalist picture. But in my neighborhood, the visibility of these symbols and images is so normalized that sadomasochism not only appears to be beyond reproach but also omnipresent. What is sadomasochism? Why has it emerged as a concern of feminists and women's communities in recent years? Why does opposition to the practice of sadomasochism invoke allegations of censorship, civil liberties and First Amendment infringements, antieroticism and sexual repression? How is sadomasochism related to violence, pain and power? Against Sadomasochism: A Radical Feminist Analysis is an effort to pose and critically explore these questions.
DetallesChicana lesbians
Trujillo's Chicana Lesbians is a testament to the power of ummasking, of reconfiguration. Creative pieces intermingle easily here with "scholarly" reflections. The purposeful blurring of lines separating theory and action, creativity and scholarship, calls into question the meanings of oppression It is book that entertains and enlightens.
DetallesNYC LHF
In the last year, studies have demonstrated that heart and lung disease, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, many forms of cancer, HIV/ AIDS communities of asthma and scores of other ailments are raging in women we serve at the NYC/LHF While the diseases of women that are those that threaten our often garner the most attention and funding are those that threaten our sex function and or reproductive capacity, women remain vulnerable to many health problems that are often overlooked or misdiagnosed and are rarely studied in our communities.
DetallesThe joy of lesbian sex
A thoughtful, tender, joyous compendium of information for women-by women who love women. A sex manual, a life-style guide and much, much more, this handbook runs the gamut alphabetically from anatomy and arousal, to child care and custody, to dyke and femme, gentleness and hysterectomy, legal matters and "waking". In short, it contains everything a woman needs to know in order to survive as a lesbian in a straight world.
DetallesMae west is dead
Mae West is Dead represents the best of contemporary lesbian and gay fiction both in Britain and the United States. The twenty-one stories range in setting from Notting Hill to Izmir and include such characters as Annie Oakley and Superman.
DetallesI am a woman
She locked round the Cellar with Laura following her gaze. "`know most of the girls in here... I've probably slept with half of them. I've lived with half of the half I've slept with. I've loved half of the half I've lived with." "L for Love," Beedo said, looking into space. "L for Laura." She turned and smiled at her, "L for Lust and L for the L of it. L for Lesbian, L for Let's let's she said, and blew smoke softly into Laura's ear.
DetallesDesert of the Heart
Two women meet and fall in love in Reno, Nevada. Evelyn Hall has gone there to get a divorce from her husband Ann Childs works there as a change girl in a gambling casino. Desert of the Heart is Jane Rule's first novel. "Cool, clear-eyed, compassionate and unsentimental, Jane Rule's work compares very well with the best fiction being written anywhere.'' Margaret Laurence on Jane Rule's Theme for Diverse Instruments in The Globe and Mail.
DetallesOdd girl out
Beth was there when Laura arrived...
She was the brain, the sparkle, the gay rebel voice and, wonder of wonder, she chose Laura as her roommate.
That was the way in began, the one up there at the pinnacle and the other, the lonely one, loging always to draw nearer. DetallesBeebo Brinker
Lost, lonely, boyishly appealling -this is Beebo brinker. She landed in New York, Fresh off the farm... her only certanty was that she was different.
so innocent she did not notice that women watched her when she entered the room.
DetallesWomen in the shadows
A guarded look across the room
That was all she dared to do, and this was Greenwish village where almost anything goes...
She had learned long ago she could never love a man -that only another woman could exite her. DetallesJourney to a woman
Would she throw away her life on the one wild chance that she might find the lost woman out of her past?
It began all over again with the sudden starling dream of Laura. Now Beth was amazed to find herself streaking back into the past.
DetallesSudden Dearh
Meet Carmen a tennis champion at her peak, determined to win the coveted Gran Slam. She is also a woman in love with a stunning, gutsy an vulnerable professor named Harriet. Meet also Miguel, Carmens very latin brother, who secretly wheels and deals her success into a financial house of cards, and Susan Reilly, Carmen's relatioship with harriet to the press, jealousies, ambitions and passion explode. And for Carmen and Harriet to survive, they must test the true depths of their felings, both on and off the court.
DetallesRubyfruit Jungle
She's just another dirt-poor little ole Southern who played doctor with the boys, beat up Leroy the fat, sloppy tub... and lost her virginity to her girlfried in sixth grade
DetallesNice Jewish girls a lesbian Anthology
This entiere anthology is an act of resistence. The very act of proudly affirming Jewish identity, individually and collectively, in a world that promotes Christian totalitarianism ins resistence
DetallesFriday the rabbi wore lace
In true Jewish tradition, this book features literate, steamy erotica told with humor, heart, and chutzpah.
DetallesCytherea's breath
Emma, struggling to establish herself as a physician in turn of the 20th Century Baltimore, meets Margaret, a wealthy patron. Together they fight to be free in a society challenged by fights for women's suffrage, social reform, birth control and the practice of law - all issues in the news over 100 years later. This historical novel mirrors social progress and women's quest for emancipation and love
DetallesWhat color is your handkerchief?
This booklet has been prepared to answer questions lesbians have about where S/M migth fit in their lives. It is not a position paper, nor is it meant to be a dedinitive work on the lesbian S/M.
DetallesThe winged dancer
When dying man asks Lesbian feminist Kat Rogan to deliver a coded message to his Sister in South America. she is thrust into an incredible adventure. Framed for murder she is sent to Solera Women's Prison where she explores the dominating side of her always strong personality. Later, at an almost surrealistic women's estate she learns about an even deeper part of her own psyche. as she find herself uncontrollably attracted to a powerful and beautiful woman.
DetallesSoul snatcher
This book has the strongest plt of any lesbian/women's community mystery I've seen. It leaves the reader with a genuine sting of mystery that is characteristic of the best suspense writing.
Choices is a novel about lesbian love, depicting the joy, passion, conflicts and intensity of love between women. In this straightforward, sensitive novel, Nancy Toder conveys the fear and confusion of a womar coming to terms with her sexual and emotiona attraction to other women.
DetallesThrone of council
Long ago, in the land now known as Ireland lived a small clan of Pagan women. Their beautiful, cruel High Priestess Anara was constantly attended by her protégé and lover, Korian. Also with her every minute were her handmainden, Fila, and her pet white tigress.
DetallesA third story
If you have a sense of humor, or can rent or borrow one, you'll love a Third Story. What's ii about? one of its characters says it best: Truth, Justice and American Gay.
This legend is still told in Brittany. Now Jeannine Allard has built from it, creating a hauntingly beautiful story of two women in love.
DetallesMisfortune's friend
What is Mrs. Henshaws influence on the young Lesbians in the periphery of her life? Why is she always present in times of "need"... and what is the real tie between her and Altheas aunt? Sweeping through the domestic history of her young women, Sarah Aldridge uses the broom of world events to show the shape of their lives Her many fans are waiting and they will not be disappointed.
DetallesGoat song
GOAT SONG is an unusual novel, both in form and in content. The author uses modifed con ventions of Greek tragedy to counterpoint the ordinary lives of streetwise lesbians - lives for which a "tragic fall" isa daily occurrence. Fast-paced, full of hard truths, this book reverberates long after the first reading.
DetallesDaughters of Darkness
SEXUAL AND SEDUCTIVE the lesbian vampire is a creature of great appetites, the quintessential bad girl who defies the rules. Daughters of Darkness will get under your skin, piercing with tales of desire so sharply erotic you ll swear you've been bitten!
Daughters of Darkness collects the most popular authors of lesbian erotica writing today-along with the most famous lesbian vampire story of all time, "Carmilla," written in 1871 by J. Sheridan LeFanu
DetallesHome in your hands
Home In Your Hands is a many-faceted all Lesbian-themed collection, with stories about first love in old age; the passing scene in a Lesbian bar as seen by the women who run it, two young women reaching new stage of physical intimacy; and other stories of romance and eroticism, of problems and love and friendship in Lesbian lives.
DetallesMadame Aurora
Madame Aurora commands an even wider audience for Sarah Aldridge. We follow the fortunes of... Elizabeth Beaufort; beautiful, impoverished scholar who has eked out a living as a teacher until deafness and scandal over a book about love intervene. And... Her lover, Hannah Morgan, ex Army nurse and teacher of the young who learned as a farm child that she had incredible powers- -that she could "see" the future in ways others could not.
DetallesLovers in the present Afternoon
LOVERS IN THE PRESENT AFTERNOON, set against the turmoil of the Vietnam years, is an electrifying passage through one womans life--a life which men have always commanded. Amid the growth and flowering of her love for Ruth, Lynn finally understands the profound effects of the incestuous abuse of her childhood which has robbed her of her self-esteem; and with increasingly clear vision she examines the disintegrating heart of her marriage, its sexual and emotional landscape doomed from the start by its destructive seeds.
DetallesThe Swashbuckler
Greenwich Village... Provincetown... travel with Frenchy Tonneau through these gay meccas during the 60s and 70s whem Lesbian life changed forever. The Swashbuckler... continuing in the tradition of Ann Bannon's classic novels.
DetallesThe secret in the bird
Rena Spiros has lost control of her Casey Grant, close friend and one-time lover, watches in despair as Rena's bizarre, compulsive behavior finally brings her to a private psychiatric hospital.
After a sympathetic psychologist attempts without success to unravel the reasons for Rena's behavior, Casey takes Rena on a visit to De Nova, a women's . Again Casey despairs as Rena falls under the charismatic, powerful Lou Bonnig, who deliberately exerts her power to break Renas will, to reduce Rena to emotional and sexual subjection.
There is a firm purpose behind Lou's behavior: she is determined to force Rena to tace the secrets in her past that will explain her grotesque behavior and Put an end to her agony. DetallesLove is where you find it
PAULA CHRISTIAN writes about one of the most serious problems faced by most lesbians: A perma- nent and satisfactory love relationship. Dee Sanders, a successful and attractive career woman, lives with an impossible and beautiful shrew. Dee knows it, but cannot bring herself to leave Rita-until she discovers her with another wom- an. Alone again, Dee is pursued by two women: Karen, who has never before had a lesbian rela- tionship; and Martie, an internationally renowned lesbian in a time before women united in the struggle.
DetallesThe Burnton widows
In the misty town of Burnton on the Oregon coast, journalist-detective Nyla Wade discovers a limestone castle and old murders and a town too anxious to obliterate the castle and its history: the generations of lesbians who have lived there.
DetallesDouble Daughter
Denver- the city of Journalist-Detective Nyla Wade ´s past the city where she formed her youghful dreams. Nyla has returned to where her heart lies, only to discover clouds of menace handing over the lives of gay friends old and new.
DetallesValley of the Amazons
Noretta Koertge's new novel recounts the further adventures of the indomitable Tretona Getroek as she sails through the sometimes treacherous shoals and always comic storms of the newly emerging community of gay women. From the painful rectitude of the militantly political to the sensuous circle of mystical white witches, and on to the wild "Wimmin's Music Festival" (where there is a near-riot over separate seating for those who eat organically and those who eat Twinkies), Tretona discovers the lesbian world to be as baffling as any other, even while she discovers at last the great solace of having a community of one's own.
DetallesLesbian nuns: breaking silence
Nuns. Different... Fascinating. Their lives intrigue us all. In these unique and compelling revelations, both ex-nuns and present nuns unlock the most secret doors in their closed and mysterious communities. Under rigidly enforced rules of behavior, where women's lives are consecrated and subjugated to the most sacred of vows, where "particular friendships' are ruthlessly eradicated under pain of sin and expulsion, still the power of love manages to emerge survive.
DetallesTheme for diverse instruments
Briliant short stories, some first published in "The Ladder. 99 from the acclaimed Jane Rule, author of Desert of the Heart and Memory Board. In the sensual and tender "Middle Children" two closeted young lesbians radiate the joy of their love into the tumultuous lives around them.
DetallesThe Erotic Naiad
Stories you will savor, stories of love and desire, romance and passion, from the Naiad Press authors you have delighted in over the years... Such as the incomparable Isabel Miller. Enjoy her intricate tale of women who journey beyond fantasy and illusion to the essential nature of butch and femme.
DetallesGive me your good ear
Violence; daily work; female connections: these are the warp and Woof of Maureen Brady's novel. And all are perceived through a woman's eye, in ways largely unavailable to us in fiction. The integrity of Brady's writing never falters. I believe that her gift will reveal more and more about our lives as time goes on.
DetallesA woman like that
This collection of literate, intensely personal essays- -sometimes heart-wrenching, often exhilarating-illuminates ou breadth and variety of experiences known as "coming out." The artists, writers, activists, and critics brought together in this book range in age from twenty to seventy, and are from all classes, races, and corners of America. Together they offer a vision that is witty, courageous, and memorable: a rich tapestry of lesbian and bisexual experience in the United States over the past half-century.
DetallesLesbian Lives
For decades, The Ladder has been pioneer publication of inestimable importance to those women lucky enough to know of its existence. Happily, some of its finest contents can now reach a wider audience!
DetallesThe Marquise and the Novice
Acolyte Kathleen Thorn leaves the security and pent up frustration of the nunnery to become a governess for the only child of a wilful, beautiful and mysterious Marquise Annaliese. She becomes entangled in the web of mysteries surrounding the dark and seductive woman and the manor she inhabits, and finds her innocent and naive virginal self being led down a tantalizing and mysterious path, that may culminate in death, drama or something equally Gothic and thrilling!
"Onironautas es, entonces, un tejido en constante contrapunto: el pasado remoto y su herencia milenaria, en ligazón constante con el pasado cercano que sumió a varias generaciones de centroamericanos en una vorágine de implacable violencia. De esa cuenta, se asoman a las páginas de este texto el recuerdo de don Pedro de Alvarado y Tecún Umán, el Cristo ensangrentado y su imagen reflejada en el rostro de los miles de indios que surcaron sangre durante quinientos años. Así también, el grito de la guerra fría trae la resonancia del cuarto de torturas y el llanto desconsolado de los deudos, más el macabro espejear de los cientos de cementerios clandestinos."